Audible books for kindle
Audible books for kindle

audible books for kindle

Tap any book in the carousel and, from the menu that appears, choose the Echo device you want to listen to your Audible book through.

audible books for kindle

If you have an Audible account associated with the Amazon account you are signed in to in Alexa, you will see a carousel of your Audible books below the one for Kindle books. Open the Alexa app and tap the “Play” tab at the bottom of the main screen. Listening to Audible BooksĪs Audible is part of Amazon, listening to books in your Audible account is very easy. You can start listening to an audiobook on your Alexa device and pick up where you left off by reading (or listening to) the same title on another compatible Amazon device or app. You can start, pause and stop a books’ narration with voice commands:Īlexa also supports Whispersync for Voice, which keeps track of the current playback position in the audiobook. Tap the cover image of the book you want to hear, and from the menu that appears, choose the Echo device you want to play it through. Any available books in your Kindle library will be shown as a carousel that you can scroll through to pick. Open the Alexa app on your phone or tablet and tap the “Play” tab at the bottom on the main screen. – Kindle books that support Text-to-Speech technology Playing Kindle eBooks

audible books for kindle

– Borrowed from Kindle Unlimited or Prime Reading – Borrowed from Kindle Owners’ Lending Library

Audible books for kindle